mmcité a.s.
Bílovice 519
687 12 Bílovice
Czech Republic
"The public space of the city is a fascinating place, people and history meet here. We are pleased that our design is heading right there. We can influence people's taste without selection and that is what we like very much. No exclusivity, the true equality. For MMCITÉ it is nothing else than a cultural mission. Through small elements we change the face of the city."
The designers David Karásek and Radek Hegmon turned their interest in the urban space into their profession. Since 1994 they have been proposing under the brand MMCITÉ street furniture and other elements of public space such as: awnings, railings, benches, trash cans, bike racks, protective grates around trees and many others. Inhabitants of many cities in the world and exotic places like to use MMCITÉ products every day.
bench 'radium'
bench 'radium'
bench 'portiqoa'