Studio Zdenek Vacek & Daniel Pošta
Kostelní 44
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic
"Design of jewelry has a high proportion of manual labor and its essence lies in the detail of each individual component."
Trained as a goldsmith and jeweler, Zdeněk Vacek meticulously combines traditional craftsmanship with innovative technologies and practices. He, together with Daniel Pošt, who studied architecture at the University of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, created the brand ZORYA. The joint collection "Virus" shows chemical and biological processes in which different objects are attacked by foreign substances. The most famous are necklaces of flax ropes, on which shiny crystals parasitize as viruses. Their works are housed in the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. They also served as an official gift of the Czech Pavilion at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai and are presented at numerous international exhibitions and fairs.
collection PEONY
collection VIRUS
collection VIRUS
collection VIRUS